Wethepeople Pathfinder 4PC Bar "Felix Prangenberg" Signature
Felix Prangenberg is always working closely with us to refine and update his own signature collection.
The Pathfinder collection utilizes cutting edge and innovative technology - that goes hand in hand with Felix's highly progressive style of riding.
The Pathfinder 4pc Bar features an oval crosstube for improved strength and dent resistance, and is available in 3 rise options and both standard and 25.4mm os (oversize) tubing sizes to accommodate the growing demand for oversize bars.
Material: full liquid post heat-treatment on 4130 “m2“ crmo
Tubing: 7/8” plain guage
Rise: 9", 9.6" and 10"
Width: 29"
Backsweep: 11.5 degrees
Upsweep: 3 degrees
Clamping: 22.mm and 25.4mm
Weight: 9.6" - 22.2mm: 1084g (38.4oz : 2.39lbs)
Special features
• available with regular 22.2mm or oversize 25.4mm clamping area
• large radius bends for extra strength
• large ovalized crossbar for dent resistance and strength
• available in three rise options